Russia: Major revision of Russian health and safety regulations

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (“Mintrud RF”) is planning to repeal up to 93% of outdated health and safety regulations that were adopted between 1917 and 1991. These regulations are not up to date and have completely lost their relevance to the modern reality.

Among the regulations that are to be repealed, are old Soviet health and safety rules as well as model occupational safety instructions. Such regulations are currently valid and enforceable but are lacking the required flexibility and contain a large number of outdated requirements which is causing an unjustifiable burden on the business.

The Mintrud RF is planning to abolish around 1070 regulations and replace them with around 80 modern occupational safety regulations.  The plan is to abolish all outdated legislation by 1 January 2021 except those that are fully relevant to the modern working and manufacturing conditions.