Belarus: Adopted instruction and form for a permit for hot works in temporary locations

As of 18 May 2018, facilities performing hot works in temporary locations are required to issue a permit for such works in accordance with the adopted form and pursuant to the adopted Instruction.

Hot works include welding, gas welding and other similar types of work.

The permit for hot works in a temporary location must specify the name of the person issuing the permit, time and location of works, the results of air quality analysis performed before the commencement of hot works, etc.

The permit must be issued for a particular location. If hot works are to be performed at several temporary locations – a separate work permit is required for each location.

Any hot work permit must be made in two copies. The first copy is to be given to the employees who will perform the works and the second – to the head of the relevant department or the head of the facility (or his/her deputy).

Law: Decree No. 29 of 2 May 2018 Concerning the Issuance of Hot Work Permits in Temporary Locations