Belarus: Description and Application of the National Conformity Mark

As of 30 July 2017, the national Belarusian conformity mark is to be applied in accordance with the revised procedure.

The manufacturer, its authorised representative or the seller is required to affix the national mark of conformity. The dimensions of the mark are to be determined by the manufacturer, its authorised representative or the seller (i.e. the entity authorised to affix the mark).

The conformity mark dimensions must ensure clarity and visibility of its parts without the use of any magnifying devices.

The conformity mark may only be used if the product complies with all applicable technical regulations of the Republic of Belarus. Product conformity must be confirmed by the conformity assessment documentation.

The mark must be affixed directly on the product itself next to the information about product manufacturer and must also be included in the accompanying documentation.  If it is not possible to place the mark on the product directly because of the product type or size, the mark may be placed on the packaging with an explanation in the accompanying documentation. If such a product is not packaged, then the mark must be included only in the accompanying documentation.

It is prohibited to use other markings, signs and symbols that may be misleading to consumers. If any other conformity marks are applied to a product, such marks must not affect the visibility, clarity and readability of the national conformity mark.