Air protection

Ukraine: Environmental tax rates increase

As of 1 January 2017 facilities performing air emissions, disposing of hazardous wastes and/or discharging wastewater into water bodies in Ukraine are required to pay higher environmental fees for these operations.

In particular, the following environmental rates have been increased.

Air emissions

Russia: Will your company be inspected in 2017?

In order answer this question, one should go to the official website of the General Prosecution Office of the Russian Federation. The service that can be accessed via this website (presently launched in the testing mode) allows you to check whether your organization will be visited by any state inspectors in 2017. The service will also give you the information on which dates your company is to be inspected and how long the inspection will last. The service will also inform you on subject of each inspection (e.g.

Kazakhstan. Issue 9 January 2017

Amended industrial safety rules for uranium mining facilities

Law: Order No. 635 of 29 August 2016 Amending Order No. 297 of 26 December 2014 Adopting Industrial Safety Rules for Uranium Mining and Processing Facilities

Russia: Office facilities are not “environmental polluters”

According to the clarification of the environmental authorities (RosPrirodNadzor), office operators that only generate and accumulate waste are not considered “environmental polluters” of any of the four categories and therefore, are not required to be registered in the Environmental Polluters Registry.

Russia: Proposal to postpone compulsory registration for environmental polluters

The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment has published a proposal according to which all environmental polluters will have to register themselves later than it was initially planned. The proposal would move the registration deadline one year forward (i.e. to 31 December 2017 instead of 31 December 2016).
