Russia: Adopted unified health and safety requirements for coal and oil shale mining and processing facilities

As of 20 January 2018, coal and oil shale mining and processing facilities are required to comply with the adopted Model Regulation on the industrial safety management system.  Such organisations must use the provision of the adopted Model Regulation for the purposes of developing their internal documentation regulating industrial safety management.

For example, each coal/oil shale mining and processing facility must adopt an internal Regulation on the Industrial Safety and Occupational Safety Management System (Internal Regulation). This Internal Regulation must include the following chapters:

Industrial safety management system (SUPB);

Internal self-monitoring (PK);

Occupational safety management system (SUOT).

The adopted Model Regulation sets out the basic requirements for the content of each chapter.

Law: Order No. 520 of 30 November 2017 on the Adoption of the Model Regulation on the Unified Industrial Safety Management System for Coal and Oil Shale Mining and Processing Organisations