Russia: IMPORTANT - Local (Russian) software must be pre-installed on certain goods before they can be sold

As of 1 April 2021, manufacturers, sellers and importers of  certain “technically complex” goods (the exact list is to be adopted separately by the Government of Russia) with pre-installed software must ensure that they have been equipped by software that originates from the Russian Federation (or another EAEU country).  Further details of this requirement are to be set out by a separate regulation.

As of 1 July 2021, preinstalled software used by end users on certain technically complex goods in order to access information on the Internet, must ensure the possibility to use (without any additional installations and by default) a search engine originating from the Russian Federation or another EAEU member state. Further details of this requirement are also to be set out by a separate regulation.

These amendments have been introduced by Federal Law No. 460-FZ amending Article 4 of Federal Law on Consumer Rights Protection.