Russia: Revised rules for the submission of EPR reporting

As of 1 January 2021, importers and manufacturers of products subject to the extended producer responsibility (including electrical and electronic equipment, batteries, textiles and packaging) as well as manufacturers’ associations are required to submit the relevant yearly reporting in accordance with the revised procedure.  The report must contain information about products released on the Russian market during reporting year, the fulfilment by a particular importer or manufacturer of the set utilisation / recycling targets for wastes that include textile wastes, WEEE, batteries and packaging, etc.

The reports must be submitted to the Russian environmental authority called “Rosprirodnadzor” in electronic form. If it is not possible to submit the reports in electronic form, it is possible to submit the reports on paper (with a mandatory copy of the reports on an electronic information carrier, such as a USB stick).

The report must be submitted before 1 April in the year following the reporting year.

The revised form of the report was also adopted and must be used for reports submitted from 1 January 2021 until 1 January 2022.

Law: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.12.2020 N 2010 "On approval of the Rules for the submission  by manufacturers and importers of goods of reports on the fulfilment of the set recycling / utilisation targets"