Uzbekistan: Revised edition of labour protection law entered into force

As of 24 December 2016, the revised edition of the Law on Labour Protection entered into force. The new edition introduces the new concept of “occupational safety audit”.

The revised version also explicitly permits to contract external OHS professionals to perform the functions of the OHS service at an organization with 50 or more employees.

The revised version introduces the term “professional OHS service providers” which are authorized not only to perform OHS service functions but also to conduct OHS audits, train specialists on OHS issues, etc.

A separate article of the revised law is dedicated to the workplace risk assessment (the Attestation).  The Attestation is required for workplaces where employees are entitled to statutory benefits and compensations, workplaces where disabled persons are employed, workplaces at major hazard installations, etc.


In order to make this revised version fully operational, the legislators have yet to adopt a number of subordinate regulations, such as the ones governing the occupational safety audit procedure, etc. 

Law: On Labour Protection (revised edition), No. ZRU-410 of 22 September 2016.