
Uzbekistan: Adopted Regulation on Issuing Preliminary Decision on a Product’s Country of Origin

As of 21 June 2024, all preliminary decisions on a product’s country of origin are to be issued in accordance with the adopted procedure.

A preliminary decision is a document that is issued by customs authority. This document confirms the country of origin of a specific product that is to be moved across the border.

Market participants, such as importers or manufacturers are not obliged to obtain a preliminary decision.

Uzbekistan: Adopted Technical Regulation on the Safety of Tobacco Products

As of 1 January 2025, importers and manufacturers of tobacco products in Uzbekistan are required to comply with the adopted Technical Regulation (TR) on the Safety of Tobacco Products in Uzbekistan. The adopted TR applies to tobacco products and devices intended to consume tobacco or nicotine.

The adopted Technical Regulation on the Safety of Tobacco Products does not apply for products that are:

-          Intended for export or transit;

Uzbekistan: Amended regulation on issuing certificates of origin

As of 4 August 2024, the issue of Certificates of Origin for products is to be conducted according to the revised procedure.

The amendments introduced by Decree No. 311 of 30 May 2024, provide the possibility to issue a CT-UZ certificate for products manufactured in Uzbekistan, sold on the internal marked and subsequently exported abroad.

UZBEKISTAN: Excise stamps are no longer required for sparkling wines

Presidential Decree of 4 April 4 2023 No. PP-110 “On additional measures aimed at providing the population with high-quality consumer goods” abolished, as of 1 July 2023, the excise stamp requirement for sparkling and natural wines in Uzbekistan.

New forms of excise stamps for alcohol and tobacco products in Uzbekistan are to be introduced in July 2023.  

UZBEKISTAN: Product certification process to involve checking breaches of IP rights

As of 17 May 2023, all product certification procedures in Uzbekistan are to include checks for compliance with intellectual property rights.

In accordance with the adopted amendments, product certification in the National Certification System of the Republic of Uzbekistan will include (among other things) verification of compliance with intellectual property rights (trademarks, service marks, appellations of origin, geographical indications, and industrial designs) (IP objects).

UZBEKISTAN: Adopted safety requirements for printed products intended for schoolchildren

As of 29 December 2022, books and other printed products intended to be used at schools (including preschools) are required to comply with the adopted safety requirements.

All products for schools have been classified into the following categories, based on the school year:

-          1- 4 school years;

-          5-9 school years; and

-          10-11 school years.

UZBEKISTAN: Adopted mandatory reporting forms for organisations

As of 1 January 2023 organisations operating in Uzbekistan are required to submit revised statistical reporting forms, as may be applicable to them. The submission of such forms is mandatory in Uzbekistan.

The list of forms consists of over 100 items and include the following yearly forms that are provided in form of Annexes to the adopted Decision:

-          Report on product manufacturing (Annex 16);

Uzbekistan: Commenced Transition to the Green Economy

Uzbekistan has adopted Presidential Decree No. PP-436 02.12.2022 “On measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of reforms with the goal of transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a “green” economy until 2030”.

The adopted document approved the Green Economy Transition Program of Uzbekistan providing for the transition to a "green" economy and ensuring "green" growth in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030. The plan includes the achievement of the following strategic goals:
