Substances management

Russia: Proposed Law on Chemical Safety

The Draft Law on Chemical Safety was proposed by the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia.  The draft law aims to create a consolidated legal framework in the area of chemical safety.

The draft proposes to introduce a number of new definitions, such as “hazardous chemical factor”, “chemical threat”, “acceptable chemical risk”, “chemical safety”, “hazardous chemical substance”, “hazardous persistent chemical compounds”, etc.

Russia: Will your company be inspected in 2017?

In order answer this question, one should go to the official website of the General Prosecution Office of the Russian Federation. The service that can be accessed via this website (presently launched in the testing mode) allows you to check whether your organization will be visited by any state inspectors in 2017. The service will also give you the information on which dates your company is to be inspected and how long the inspection will last. The service will also inform you on subject of each inspection (e.g.

Russia. Issue 16 May 2016

DRAFT Amendments to working time restrictions for drivers

The Ministry of Transport has proposed to optimize restrictions imposed on the working time of drivers. The amendments are to affect organisations and facilities that employ drivers operating vehicles belonging to such organisations and that are incorporated or registered in Russia.

Ukraine: authorities will not be checking environmental complaints made by organisations

State environmental inspection will only be investigating grounded environmental complaints made by individuals.  The amendment to the procedure for environmental inspection of organisations was introduced by Order No. 101 of 16 March 2016. The amendment provides that a non-scheduled environmental inspection may only be conducted following a complaint of an individual (instead of “an individual or an organization” as before) regarding a breach of his or her lawful rights.

