ALL (General product requirements)

Russia: Will your company be inspected in 2017?

In order answer this question, one should go to the official website of the General Prosecution Office of the Russian Federation. The service that can be accessed via this website (presently launched in the testing mode) allows you to check whether your organization will be visited by any state inspectors in 2017. The service will also give you the information on which dates your company is to be inspected and how long the inspection will last. The service will also inform you on subject of each inspection (e.g.

Ukraine. Issue 10 January 2017

Adopted licensing requirements for facilities performing fire-protection works

Facilities performing fire protection works, such as service and repair and service of automatic fire fighting installations (foam, powder, aerosol, water, etc.), fire alarm systems, evacuation systems, smoke protection systems, etc., are required to comply with the adopted requirements. These requirements relate to the minimum qualification of service personnel as well as organizational and technical requirements.

Ukraine, Issue 3 January 2017

Adopted Technical Regulation for Simple High Pressure Vessels

The Regulation sets out technical and safety requirements for simple high pressure vessels placed on the Ukrainian market.  The Regulation has been developed based on the EU Directive 2014/29/EC on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of simple pressure vessels.

EEU: Adopted Technical Regulation on Amusement Ride Safety

The adopted Technical Regulation (TR) sets out minimum safety requirements for the safety of amusement rides and for their design, manufacture, installation (assembly) service, operation, transportation and utilization.  The TR enters into force as of 18 April 2018 (no transitional or grace period is set for this TR).

Russia: proposed legal framework for marking products with identification marks

The Ministry of Finance has proposed draft law that would require certain products (the exact lists of these products are to be adopted at a later stage) with special identification and tracking marks (RFID).

The declared aims of this requirement are to protect the consumer from counterfeit and illegally imported or manufactured products and to unify the procedure of product tracking.

Russia: State inspection procedure for environmental polluters is to be amended

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology (MinPrirody) has proposed amendments clarifying that if a company operates at least one facility or unit that is subject to the federal environmental supervision (as opposed to regional environmental supervision), the whole company would be subject to the federal environmental supervision. 

Russia: Office facilities are not “environmental polluters”

According to the clarification of the environmental authorities (RosPrirodNadzor), office operators that only generate and accumulate waste are not considered “environmental polluters” of any of the four categories and therefore, are not required to be registered in the Environmental Polluters Registry.
