ALL (General product requirements)

EEU, Issue 4 August 2016

Draft Customs Code of the EEU is to be submitted for intra-state approval in August 2016

On 26 July 2016 the High Level Working Group dealing with draft Customs Code of the EEU has managed to find an agreement between the parties on the text of the draft Code.

Uzbekistan, Issue 11 July 2016

Cosmetics, petrochemicals, food and fabrics are subject to customs expert assessment

As of 23 May 2019 importers of products listed by Decree No. 2787 of 17 May 2016 must organise customs expert assessment in order to be able to import these products into Uzbekistan. The list includes perfumery and cosmetics, dairy products, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages, oil and petrochemicals, brake fluids. organic solvents, paints and varnishes, etc.

Russia: Proposal to postpone compulsory registration for environmental polluters

The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment has published a proposal according to which all environmental polluters will have to register themselves later than it was initially planned. The proposal would move the registration deadline one year forward (i.e. to 31 December 2017 instead of 31 December 2016).

Registration of environmental polluters in Russia

Environmental polluters

According to the Russian legislation, “environmental polluters” are all companies that have a negative impact on the environment. Such companies are required to have themselves registered as environmental polluters (for the first time - before 31 December 2016).

EEU. Issue 20 May 2016

EEU. Issue 20 May 2016

Revised list of standards required for the application and implementation of the Eurasian Economic Union TR on Cosmetics

Russia. Issue 16 May 2016

DRAFT Amendments to working time restrictions for drivers

The Ministry of Transport has proposed to optimize restrictions imposed on the working time of drivers. The amendments are to affect organisations and facilities that employ drivers operating vehicles belonging to such organisations and that are incorporated or registered in Russia.

When do the EEU Technical Regulations enter into force in Kyrgyzstan?

The timeframe was set for Kyrgyzstan for the entry into force of EEU Technical Regulations.  It was adopted by Decision No. 11 of 26 January 2016 of the Eurasian Economic Commission. The TRs will become mandatory in Kyrgyzstan on different dates, and the last one to become mandatory is the TR on automotive and aviation fuel which is to become fully mandatory on 12 August 2021.

The TRs are to be enforced in Kyrgyzstan in four “batches”.
